Friday, July 11, 2008

Health Care Reform Part VIII

The last couple weeks I've shared many thoughts on Codex and the politics of health care reform from experts such as the Health Ranger, Mike Adams. Today, I will share some additional thoughts and insights from Mike regarding our current situation, and the opportunity we are faced with in the near future.

These excerpts are taken from another article by Mike Adams titled "Creating the Next Society: Your Revolutionary Ideas Needed Now".

It's fairly obvious to anyone paying attention that the American Empire, as currently configured and operated, is simply not sustainable. Financial collapse is inevitable (and accelerating, it seems), and even mainstream America can no longer deny the obvious signs that things have gone terribly wrong: Skyrocketing fuel prices, unprecedented inflation in food prices, rampant epidemics of preventable degenerative disease, plummeting real estate prices, an increasingly-worthless national currency, disastrous war failures, rampant dishonesty in Washington, and accelerating climate changes that are causing flooding, crop failures, droughts and worse. It is becoming increasingly difficult for even the Pollyannas of the world to argue that the United States of America has a bright future.

However, there's good news in all this. Really. What's the good news? Following the collapse of the American Empire, there will be a rare window of opportunity for radical reform where progressive, pioneering people like NaturalNews readers ( can play a significant role in creating what I call The Next Society.

What is The Next Society? It's the one that replaces the United States of America after the failure of this current system. It happens all the time through world history, of course: Failed attempts at living in community are replaced by new attempts. Democracy was one such attempt, and I still think Democracy could work. Too bad we don't have one operating in the United States today. Instead, we only have the illusion of Democracy that's controlled by hacked voting machines, a corrupt media, and a corporate-controlled government agenda that, at every step, works against the interests of the People.

The USA experiment was a fun ride, no doubt. Especially the last couple of decades, filled with cheap money, cheap blow, cheap politicians and expensive medicine. We've drugged, snorted and consumed our way through trillions of dollars borrowed from other countries! The rest of the world, it turns out, has subsidized America's addiction to excess in every form: Excessive food, excessive pharmaceuticals and excessively large vehicles designed to dominate excessively crowded highways that ultimately lead to nowhere.

Just remember this: The rest of the world is tired of funding America's consumer culture. And the free money from China, Japan, the Middle East and other regions that have subsidized America's consumption habit by purchasing worthless U.S. Treasury IOU notes are about to put an end to their practice of following good money with bad. The inevitable result of all this, of course, is that the U.S. dollar will soon be abandoned by the world (and its oil trade exchanges), and mainstream Americans are going to wake up one morning and find that all their bank savings deposits (which are unwisely held in U.S. currency, by the way) are utterly worthless.

(If you smell something burning, by the way, don't panic. It's just Rome.)

When the United States of America collapses like the Roman Empire under the weight of its debt, disease and disastrously devolving dollar, there will be an opportunity to create a new society governed by new rules. Under an economic reboot scenario, Big Pharma's control over the media, the FDA and the medical profession will collapse, and the People, having witnessed their life savings lost in the economic collapse, and finally realizing their health was stolen by a fraudulent industry working in collusion with their own corrupt government (which lied to them the whole time), will not be amused.

Keep in mind that this whole fraudulent system of fake money, fake medicine and fake Democracy is a house of cards rattling on top of a shaky table. And when it comes tumbling down, that will be a crucial time for all of us in the natural health community to join together and help create a new society that values human life, Mother Nature and freedom of speech over corporate profits.

It is time to seriously rethink the foundations of capitalism, because if there's anything we've learned in the last few years, it's that a greed-focused economy ultimately does more harm than good to the People. This is reflected quite accurately in the fact that the more the drug companies can keep people sick and diseased, the more profits they generate. Thus, sickness = profits.

Capitalism without ethics is nothing more than a con, and far too much evil has taken place today behind the curtain of the corporation. It's time to hold individual people responsible for their actions and stop giving people the legal right to hide behind a fictitious legal construct while their actions destroy the lives of billions of people.

America today is a nation of amnesiacs. We have collectively surrendered our power to corporations and governments, and then we express disgust when we discover that our individual liberties have been overwritten by the very institutions we put into power.

It is time that we stopped appealing to corporations and governments for bits and pieces of freedom and, instead, stood in our own power as free citizens, organized, empowered and informed. It is time we started asking, "Is there a better way to organize a society? Is there a societal construct based on individual liberties that can provide freedom, health, abundance and sustainability without the centralization of power that inevitably leads to corruption?"

You get the point. This is a time to voice your ideas. Refuse to remain silent. Do not be timid in these times, or you shall certainly find yourself living under a new tyranny with a different name.

The Next Society will soon arrive, and it is up to us to decide what to make of it. (And get ready for a wild ride as we witness the historical collapse of the American Empire...)

Mike Adams

I don't think I could have summarized the condition today any better. It is our responsibility to act and our very lives that could be held in the balance if we choose to do nothing.

As always, the choice is yours.

Again and again I sent all my servants the prophets to you. They said, "Each of you must turn from your wicked ways and reform your actions; do not follow other gods to serve them. Then you will live in the land I have given to you and your fathers." But you have not paid attention or listened to me. Jeremiah 35:15 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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