Friday, July 4, 2008

Health Care Reform Part II

Yesterday, I shared part of an article on the "The Politics of National Health Care Reform" by Mike Adams. We will continue with that article today, July 4th, America's birthday. But before I do, let me say this about our 232nd birthday celebration of our country.

Throughout our history, we have dealt with many tumultuous times, filled with all manner of strife, tribulation, and even triumph. This age is no exception. This is life. So, despite all the problems we faced today, there have been darker times in the past that we have survived. There is hope for redemption. But if that is to happen, it will take cooperation, togetherness, strength of character, perseverance, resolve, repentance, and foremost trust in the Almighty that there is a purpose for everything that happens and everything we do. IN GOD WE TRUST.

Here is more of Mike's article.

The sickness industry is bankrupting our nation

Think about this. One out of every five dollars spent in this country -- that is $1 out of $5 of GDP or Gross Domestic Product -- is spent on disease. They call it health care but I am calling it disease because most of it is just disease care.

Now think about that: 20% of our economy is spent on disease -- and is any of that money actually causing people to be free of those diseases? Are any patients having their cancers reversed by conventional medicine? No. Conventional medicine says they have not even found a cure. In fact, conventional medicine and pharmacology have not found a cure for anything.

They claim to be looking for the cure and they are holding all of these public events running around in circles, pink ribbons, yellow bracelets, or whatever, and they claim to be searching for a cure. They have been searching for a cure for cancer since the 1960s spending billions and billions of dollars and for some reason they still cannot come up with a cure.

You know why folks? Because they are not looking for a cure -- they are looking for the next blockbuster drug they can sell that manages the symptoms of cancer but also creates a cycle of dependence so that the cancer patient needs to keep buying their drugs over and over again. That is how you make money in this country. If you are a greedy corporation that has no ethics, you find a way to hook a patient or a customer on your products so that you can keep selling it to them repeatedly. The last thing you do if you want to make money is to show somebody how to cure a disease so they leave the hospital and never come back.

You do not make money showing people how to walk out of the hospital and be healthy and live a life free of pharmaceuticals and not needing medical care because they are so darn healthy. You do not make money by showing people how to take care of their health. That is the problem in this country, folks. We have a system of sickness care that is based on one thing -- profit. It is based on greed. It is based on shareholder value. And the shareholders in a pharmaceutical company do not make money when people get well and avoid the need for pharmaceuticals.

They only make money when people get sick and stay sick, and the longer they stay sick, the more money the shareholders make. Every decision made by that corporation is made in the interest of the shareholders. It is part of the rules of every corporation. Part of the Articles of Incorporation -- you have to make decisions to maximize the profits for that corporation. In fact, any corporate officer working for a drug company that made a decision harming the financial impact on the shareholders -- that is taking money away from them -- that officer would be fired, could actually be sued in fact.

Every corporation makes decisions that are in its own financial interest -- only financial interests, not social interests, not ethical interests and certainly no corporation runs around trying to compassionately help people get well. That is the image they try to portray on TV, that they are using all of this money that they are taking from people with these overpriced, monopoly-priced prescription drugs to search for tomorrow's cures.

That is what they say! Let me ask you this. If a drug company took all this money that people are raising and donating by holding marathons and holding all these fundraising events, if they took that money and invested it and found a cure for cancer, do you honestly think they would give that cure away for free? Are you kidding me?

If such a cure could ever be found, which by the way is bio-chemically impossible because cancer is not a virus or a bacteria, it is actually a systemic issue. If there could be a chemical found that would just cure cancer -- you take the chemical, it cures cancer do you think that company would give it away free? That would be the most profitable drug ever created in the history of our civilization. They would sell that drug at the highest price they could possible get for it.

They would sell that drug and they would make trillions of dollars in profits. And thus, their whole story of taking your money so they can search for the cure is really a clever way of using people's guilt to get the public to fund their own R&D (research and development) efforts. Then they can create drugs that will make them filthy rich. That is what it is all about. It is just a clever way to get the public to pay their R&D costs.

Now, if a drug company said, "Oh, we will take your money and we are going to search for a cure" and if they pledge, "If we find the cure we are going to give it away for free. We are going to give all our future drugs away for free. We are not going to seek patents on our drugs anymore" that would be different. They will not do that because they are in the sickness business. They depend on you being sick in order for them to make money. Where is all this heading then?

Well, if we are spending 84% of our dollars -- our federal spending dollars -- on more disease and debt, if one out of every five dollars is being spent in this economy on disease right now, and if that number is growing -- it is about to become 25% of GDP. One out of every four dollars being spent on disease -- what kind of a future does that paint for our country? Can a country survive and prosper if it is spending 25% of every dollar produced by its economy on sickness? No way… not a chance -- this country, folks, is not just going bankrupt, it is already bankrupt.

The healthcare costs are just driving it even deeper into debt. Think about this, the only thing that is keeping this country afloat fiscally is the fact that central banks of foreign countries like Japan and China are still willing to loan money to this government, a government that has no ability to pay back its loans, that has no willingness to pay back its loans. A country with a population that is more diseased than any population of any nation in the history of our world. How do these foreign banks think that they are going to be paid back from the U. S. government?

They are not going to be paid back. So here is how the bankruptcies are going to happen. There are going to be a series of rolling bankruptcies. You are going to have personal bankruptcies, households, and families. You are going to have municipal bankruptcies -- cities and states. And you are going to have a federal bankruptcy. When all of this ripples through, we are going to wind up broke and diseased dying from perfectly preventable conditions. If we only had the sense to wake up and start preventing disease in this country.

Now, I know that is a dark picture and I want to offer you some hope for a way to turn this around and solve this problem. When we come back from the next break, we are going to start talking about solutions. What can we do right now to turn this country around and save ourselves from the financial bankruptcy that will follow if we do not start controlling our healthcare costs?

Tomorrow and next week, we will look at some of the solutions Mike proposes. Stay tuned ...

As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"

On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Matthew 9:9-12 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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