Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Evils of Big Pharma

Over the last couple weeks, I delved into the corrupt policies of the government and Big Pharma on the discrediting of nutritional supplements through the CODEX guidelines. Furthermore, their cooperation with the FDA and the food industry to subsidize companies that put harmful ingredients (known to cause cancer, diabetes, and many other maladies) into the foods on the grocery shelves for our consumption and health degradation. Their focus is to make us sick so that we need to visit the doctor and take harmful prescriptions that at best, only alleviate symptoms but do not prevent or cure the cause of the problem. Their action and lies are thoroughly reprehensible, especially when it is clear that they are only doing these acts on the basis of greed. Sickness = profits.

Today, I will share some additional thoughts and insights from the Health Ranger, Mike Adams. These excerpts are taken from an article titled "Do Pharmaceuticals Make You Healthy?".

It is the position of Big Pharma that pharmaceuticals make people healthier. That's the whole point of taking them, of course -- to enhance your health in some way that the human body apparently cannot achieve on its own (if you believe the drug ads, anyway). The drug industry's direct-to-consumer advertisements further imply this cause / effect relationship between pharmaceuticals and health by portraying drug consumers to be happy, healthy and fit. Taking medications, these ads imply, will make you happy, healthy and fit!

The conventional medical community further supports this idea by insisting that medications alone can treat disease, cure disease or enhance a person's health. Nutritional supplements, they claim, are worthless and provide no health benefits whatsoever. No medical doctor in America can legally prescribe herbs, nutritional supplements or even healing foods for any health condition whatsoever!

Remarkably, this is also the official position of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration which claims that any nutritional supplement with any biological effect whatsoever is no longer a "supplement" but is magically transformed into an "unapproved drug" and therefore can no longer be legally sold in America. Only inert substances, according to the FDA, can be sold as nutritional supplements.

Through the exaggeration of pharmaceutical benefits and the ongoing campaign of censorship against functional foods, superfoods and nutritional supplements, the conventional medical industry has managed to convince the majority of health consumers that medications keep them healthy while nutritional supplements are dangerous. Yet I say the opposite is true: Medications destroy your health, and nutritional supplements enhance and protect your health!

But rather than argue these points with a room full of corrupt, on-the-take scientists who work for Big Pharma and have intentionally engineered clinical trials to discredit nutrition while touting the rigged results of their own fraudulent drug trials, I've come up with a much simpler way to counter the lies and deceptions of the entire pharmaceutical industry: I've decided to put their claims to the test with a public challenge.

The Health Ranger's $10,000 Health Challenge to Big Pharma

On behalf of the natural health community and all the free citizens of our world who have had their health freedoms stolen from them by a corrupt, dishonest and utterly criminal pharmaceutical industry, I hereby challenge the drug companies to produce a single medicated person who can beat me in a contest of strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination and adaptability.

I'm offering $10,000 to any drug company that can produce a single person taking eight "health enhancing" pharmaceuticals (see below) who can beat me in the competition described here. If they beat me, I write them a $10,000 check out of my own personal bank account. On the other hand, if I win, they have to donate $10,000 to the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center, where I will direct the funds to be spent on providing nutritional supplements for low-income expectant mothers.

The drug companies, you see, claim that the more drugs you take, the healthier you become! Cardiovascular drugs, they say, improve the health of your cardiovascular system. Antidepressant drugs improve the health of your brain, and blood thinning drugs improve the flow of blood through your veins, they insist. So shouldn't a person taking five, six, or even eight drugs be healthier than a person who takes no such drugs?

And yet, as you're about to find out, there is no person on these medications who exhibits excellent physical health. They simply don't exist. And why? Because drugs make you sicker, not healthier, and the more pharmaceuticals you take, the sicker you get!

Question: What do you have against Big Pharma, anyway?

Answer: Big Pharma is committing chemical atrocities against the human race. By medicating children, adults and senior citizens with medically unnecessary (and downright dangerous) drugs, Big Pharma has become the single greatest threat to the health and safety of the citizens of our world. It is an industry based on lies, deception and criminal conduct, and it is time that someone stood up to the industry and called them to the mat on their lies.

Since the mainstream media has hopelessly sold out to Big Pharma, and government regulators have become the unabashed promoters of patented pharmaceuticals, it is up to independent health journalists like me to stand up and question the credibility of this entire drug industry. Because, when you really look at it, you'll find that the entire system of modern, drug-based medicine is based on fraud. Drugs simply do not work. They do not make people healthier, period.

Mike Adams

Wow! Enough said.

As with all Saturdays, I will recap key financial indicators that provide insight into what is happening in the financial markets and clues to what the future holds. The precious metals prices rose in the latter part of the week indicating more financial instability is on the horizon. Gold closed on Friday at $965.40 per ounce. Silver also went up closing at $18.87 per ounce and starting an upward swing to challenge the last recent previous high on March 17, 2008 of $21.00 per ounce. The price of oil hovered this week compared to last week closing on Friday at $144.41 per barrel. These indicators all point to the US dollar becoming weaker, which it did closing on Friday at 71.89, nearing an all time low. This last index measures the strength of the US dollar against the other major world currencies. Any recent international traveler can confirm that the dollar is getting weaker against other world currencies. It is very expensive to travel internationally out of the US.

What kind of world do you want to live in? Is it time that we start changing things?

As always, the choice is yours.

I've shared this passage several times before, but it sadly fits, again.
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
"Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you."

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:11-16(NIV)

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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