Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Health Care Reform Part VI

Last week I began sharing a long article on the national politics of health care reform published by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams. Today, we will continue with some real solutions for the problems that exist. This article was published on July 3, 2008 titled "The Politics of National Health Care Reform: Why no Popular Presidential Candidate Can Solve Our Health Care Crisis".

Mike's website is

End government subsidies on junk foods

Why should we use taxpayer dollars? You may not have even been aware of this by the way. Taxpayer dollars are being used to provide extra money to the sugar industry and the corn industry. What do you see when you walk into a grocery store as the most unhealthy processed foods -- corn products and sugar products. Think about it.

Whatever you subsidize, you encourage the public to consume and eat because, of course, people are on a budget. They want to buy food at the lowest price they can. The poor people in this country are now buying more sugar and more corn. What does sugar and corn do? Well, sugar causes diabetes, obesity, and nutritional deficiencies that lead to depression and other problems. What does corn do? Well, how do you fatten up a cow? Have you ever heard the term corn-fed beef? You fatten up a cow by feeding it corn.

How do you fatten up the American population? You do it by feeding it corn. There is corn in everything. There is corn in cereal. There is corn in tortillas. There is corn in chips. It is almost impossible to get away from corn. And then, of course, there is the high fructose corn syrup, which is an unnatural isolated substance extracted from corn that promotes even more diabetes and/or obesity. Then we have the government subsidizing these two industries.

This means, of course, the government is trying to motivate people to buy more products that are bad for their health. I mean you could make a strong argument for a conspiracy behind this. I am not going to go there because I would rather talk about my suggestion, which is why do we not start subsidizing products that are healthy for people? The government should start subsidizing organic produce that would make organic apples, celery, and broccoli less expensive than sugar and corn.

Gee, a whole lot of families in this country would start buying more organic produce would they not? Then they would have better nutrition because there is more nutrition in organic produce than in conventional produce and people would have fewer diseases. Then healthcare costs would go down. Kind of an interesting cause and effect, is it not? Too bad no one in the government is interested in actually doing what is right for our country it seems -- only what is right for private industry.

The sugar industry -- why do we need to subsidize sugar? This industry is very wealthy. It has a monopoly control over the sugar industry -- over all sugar. Even imported sugar is taxed to protect the monopoly here in the United States. We have sugar in everything. There is sugar in salad dressing. There is sugar in pizza sauce. There is sugar in cornbread. Cornbread is really corn cake. It is corn and sugar mostly, the two things that we are talking about that we do not need more of. Why are we subsidizing corn? Why are we subsidizing sugar? We have to stop that and we have to start subsidizing the things that are healthy for people.

We should really think about this subsidies. Why would the government want us to consume so many unhealthy products? The short answer is that sick people spend more money than healthy people. They need the high cost of prescription drugs to alleviate their symptoms. They need to visit the doctor to tell them what's wrong. What's wrong is that we are poisoning our bodies on a daily basis with junk food, and think nothing of it. We like those foods because they taste good. What's worse is that the government encourages all of this.

The handwriting is on the wall, folks. We will pay dearly for our bad habits.

Stay tuned for more of Mike's article tomorrow.

"This is the inscription that was written:
Mene , Mene , Tekel , Parsin

"This is what these words mean:
Mene : God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

Tekel : You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

Peres : Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians." Daniel 5:25-28 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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