Monday, June 16, 2008


Last week, I discussed solutions that everyone can take in this time of very uncertain economic conditions. This week we will further explore options and how to take advantage of them.

This goes back to Saturday's topic of your comfort zone. Many people are exposed to solutions and opportunities all the time, but are hesitant to take advantage of them because of doubt, insecurity, lack of trust, lack of faith, risk aversion, negative past experiences, etc. The bottom line, if they are uncomfortable about moving forward on any matter, they will likely not do it, regardless of the expected benefits. And they will justify their failure to act by any number of unlimited excuses on why they didn't act.

Missed opportunities are as plentiful as pitches in a baseball game. You always get more chances. Many times, all you have to do is connect on one to get a hit or a home run. As with baseball, every time you are at the plate, you get three strikes to hit the ball in fair territory. Life is even more generous, you get many opportunities on a daily basis. The question is what are you doing with those chances?

An opportunity is defined as a favorable juncture of circumstances. Another definition is a good chance for advancement or progress. Too often that comfort zone gets in the way so that we do not recognize the opportunity right in front of us. Change is a scary thing; again, regardless of the benefits awaiting you. But, if you don't step out of the comfort zone every now and then and expand the sphere of possibilities, you will never know what solutions are available or how to implement them. As stated Saturday, the only difference between the grave and a rut is the depth.

I've stated this principle before in this blog, but it bares repeating.
Information is not knowledge without action.
Knowledge creates choices.
Choices allow us to change our lives.

So, ultimately you have choices to exercise those opportunities all the time. The first step is to get information about it so you can make an intelligent decision. Listening to your relative who has no knowledge of the subject is not getting information. Once you get information you have to utilize it. Education without application is simply entertainment. Applying the information generates knowledge. Then choices, and then opportunities, the cycle repeats. How are you at creating choices? Do you exercise those choices and take advantage of the opportunities?

As always, the choice is yours.

Tomorrow, there will be more on how to take advantage of the many opportunities that are available. Stay tuned ...

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:5-6 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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