Thursday, June 5, 2008

Distraction, Ignorance, & Arrogance

This week the focus has been on the influence Hollywood has over the public and its deliberate attempt to dumb down the population. This has been going on for decades, but the trend is growing and becoming more dominant.

Let's take a look at this claim in more detail. First of all, what and how is this dumbing down taking place? Some authorities believe that the audience — be it of television, film, or print media — is being fed a mass-produced, poor quality, and populist diet that leads to an ever-decreasing audience attention span. So is everything being reduced to a sound bite, dazzling special effect, or base quip in order to keep our attention? Possibly.

The other possibility is that there is such diversity among our beliefs of individualism, that if someone does not think or act like I do, I will not listen to them. In other words, the American public has a willful tendency to forgo reality in favor of believing what they want to believe. They are already so self-absorbed in their own life and disinterested in all other things that they simply do not pay attention. So all aspects of the media has to be put into the widest demographically approved view so that it will grab the reduced attention span everyone has. This leads to a profound ignorance of what truly is going on and only sensationalism or escapism get headlines and movie titles.

All of this can be summed up in one word - distraction. The manipulators will use Hollywood and the media to keep us distracted from the real world events going on behind the scenes. If we are too concern with our massive and building debt, hectic pace, stupefying movies and television shows, all of these will occupy our attention span so we won't be aware of their deception. Some believe that the dumbing down phenomenon is being waged on purpose in order to coerce an ignorant populace into following popular and political trends. Why would we attack Iran is one such political trend that is a deception. Their answer of to prevent their nuclear capability from becoming more dangerous is clearly a deception because even the military acknowledges that they are many years away from producing anything remotely threatening.

Now, you can add all of these views on top of the next one which is simply stated as arrogance. The US has been a superpower and leader of the 'free' world for roughly 60 years. We've been on top for so long that complacency and arrogance as set in to have the affect that no one can really remember any other way. Thus, there is a tendency for us to become ethnocentric, believing that our way (the American way) is the one best way of doing anything and everything in life. Anyone or any nation that disagrees with us is simply out of step and therefore must be wrong!

The media is not the only target to blame in this dumbing down and ethnocentric behavior. The public education system plays a prime role as well, which I will get into much greater detail in future posts.

So the question remains as to when the population will awaken to the lies and deception and distraction being fed to us daily. If we don't awaken soon, we will become swept away in one way or another. Wake up, America! Your future and your supremacy is about to crumble around you.

There will be more on this tomorrow. Stay tuned ...

when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,
when distress and trouble overwhelm you.

"Then they will call to me but I will not answer;
they will look for me but will not find me.

Since they hated knowledge
and did not choose to fear the LORD." Proverbs 1:27-29 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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