Monday, June 9, 2008

Helping Others

For much of the eight months that I have been writing in this blog, many of the topics have been about the deceptions and problems that exist today. Many times these things are going on without our knowledge and putting us at a disadvantage. Thus, the reason I do write about these negative things is to help people understand what is going on and let them know that there are some possible alternatives.

This is where many people become immobilized by fear and insecurity. Doubt starts taking over and they think that they can not do anything to change things. This week, the topics are going to be the opposite. The topics will not be about global events and manipulations, but about what each and every person can do with what resources are available to them, regardless of the situation.

I get many questions once they hear some of the topics presented in this blog, "What can I do?" Since this is a very broad question, it is difficult to answer unless I know more about that person's situation and what they want. If I do not know what they want, any answer is likely to be way off base from what they are looking for, so they will dismiss the answer and not do anything.

So, I have to ask them some personal questions such as "What are you looking for - investment advice, how to protect your assets, how to earn more money, how to pay less in taxes, how to eliminate debt, how to improve my health, how to change things politically, etc.?" Depending on their answer, I will have more questions for them to narrow their goals further so that I can understand what they want and thus, be better at finding a solution that meets their needs.

Every single person alive can do this with those that you care about. Regardless of the economic crisis happening now and in the near future, you too can reach out and help others. You can help them solve their problems. Just by discussing their problems, you can offer moral support and let them know you care. You may know of someone that has expertise in the area of their problems. That expert can help them out, even if you cannot personally. And the sense of accomplishment, gratitude, and sheer satisfaction will be payment enough to reward you for helping out.

I think we as a society have forgotten how to help out our fellow man. We become more and more absorbed in our own lives, that we forget that others have problems too. Also, we forget that many of those problems have been solved by others. They may have solutions to our problems. But we have forgotten or been conditioned by school, our jobs, etc. to be self focused instead of others focused. No longer is the child raised by the community, but by the system. The system is someone else's problem, not ours.

In short, this new age of texting, IPODS, cell phones, computers, etc. have not increased our communication skills, but have eroded them. Everything is a rushed, hectic pace. But this is not an unsolvable problem. You can begin this minute to become focused on helping others around you - people you care about in addition to those you don't know. The reward for you personally will be beyond your wildest dreams on what will happen. If you help others get what they want, you will automatically get what you want.

So instead of immersing yourself in your own problems, help out others and you will find that your problems will be solved as well. You can never have too many friends. Friends will come to your rescue if you have done the same for them. Remember the golden rule - "Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31 (NIV)

As always, the choice is yours.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:29,32 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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