Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Yesterday, I began to discuss how to implement solutions once we encounter them. We first have to recognize the opportunity as an opportunity. I also brought up the subject of self-image. Self-image can either hold you back or propel you with confidence into the unknown. Today, we will go over the abilities you have to take advantage of those opportunities.

Humans are made up of many traits and personalities. As with self-image, these traits can either work for you and help you achieve the goals you set, or they can hold you back and prevent you from trying. This is where confidence can be a remarkable trait. Confidence is defined as a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances. Another definition is that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective given the circumstances.

Confidence is usually created through past experiences. If you have had success in previous circumstances, the chances are likely that you will have success again given the same or similar situations. Confidence can also be gained through others. This can be a mentor, trusted friend, professional, or really any successful person. If they have the necessary experience and they are willing to help you out, the chances your objective will be met are good.

So whether you have personal experience, or you are relying on other's experience, your endeavors will likely be successful. Success builds upon success. Confidence builds on confidence. Conversely, doubt builds on doubt and failure builds on failure. So the question of confidence and self-image all relates back to your comfort zone. The more times you break out of that comfort zone and have a successful endeavor, the more likely you will do it again. Conversely, the reverse is true as well.

This is what I mean many times in this blog when I mention that the choice is yours. Are you the type to use the resources around you to build confidence, or the type to use your past failures as reasons not to stretch your comfort zone? You are in control - much more control than you ever give yourself credit for. How you respond to situations not only determine the outcome of the issue or problem at hand, but future occurrences as well, either positively or negatively.

If your past experiences are not positive, you have the choice each and every day to forget the past and begin creating new found confidence and success. Find others or a mentor that is willing to help you do this. All professional athletes have coaches. Many senior people in academia act as mentors to tutor their proteges along in their advancement in their chosen field. Why should you be any different? Have a personal coach in whatever area of life that you want to succeed in. Many times they are willing to do this without compensation, so don't let that stop you. The internet or your local library are excellent resources to discover more information or find others willing to help you.

Do you want to learn golf from Tiger Woods, or your friend who has been golfing only a couple times? Do you want to learn how to hit a curveball from a major league hitting coach, or from a t-ball coach? Do you want to learn how to make money from a wealthy professional money manager, or do you take advice from your broke friends? Do you want to get improve your home life from a marriage counselor or do you ask your friend who has been divorced twice?

As always, the choice is yours.

Be careful of your choices, because they do affect your future. Confidence builds on confidence. Friendships are built on being friendly and helping others. Make your life how you want it to be.

There will be more on how to improve your life through opportunities all around you. Stay tuned ...

The fruit of righteousness will be peace;
the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.
Email: DeltaInspire@panama-vo.com

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