Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Still Deeper

This week, we have been going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. The analogy being used is from Alice in Wonderland; however, the strange and mystical creatures we encounter are the legal fictitious kind. I will explain this more.

Yesterday, I pointed out that the US government has been in bankruptcy and that we have been consigned over as monetized collateral for the national debt of the government. Let me explain this in more detail. To do this, we must go back in history to just after the Civil War. After the 14th Amendment was ratified on July 9, 1868, there became a new class of federal citizens. This was meant to give the 'freed' slaves new rights under the constitution and allow them to become citizens. However, it actually defined a new class of federal citizens for artificial persons as well that was subject the United States (the ten square miles of Washington, DC and the American territories), but not to the sovereign states (such as Maryland).

The people that lived in the sovereign states and were citizens, were not under the jurisdiction of the United States of America that was incorporated in 1871. When the people turned in their gold in 1933 under President Roosevelt's order, they just volunteered into the jurisdiction of the 10 square miles of Washington, DC and their laws. [By the way, congress has plenary powers (complete authority) to govern Washington, DC and the other federal American enclaves and territories including Guam, Puerto Rica, US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.] They just volunteered to become 14th Amendment citizens. Their birth certificates and the title to their bodies were registered in the Commercial Registry. This was the constructive trust and adhesion contract that you unknowingly entered into. The Social Security Act of 1935 enslaved us even more.

This is why all financial contracts are in your name in ALL CAPITAL letters. It is an artificial legal person which is different than a natural man or woman or human being. You also become a 14th Amendment citizen, an artificial person, of the UNITED STATES or the STATE OF whatever state you live in. All licenses and existing contracts are made between the UNITED STATES or the STATE OF whatever state you live in and your artificial entity. That fictitious entity binds you to the UNITED STATES because they have, through adhesion contract, made you the real man or woman a fiduciary of that trust and responsible for that artificial entity. Of course, you voluntarily and repeated, sign and confirm these responsibilities many times during your life, and you don't even know it. (It should cause you to pause the next time you are asked to sign something!)

Your natural name is not in ALL CAPITAL letters, but is in upper and lower case as is all proper nouns in the English language. All of these contracts that you signed and carry around in your pocket is your agreement to obey and upload all of the laws, rules, and regulations passed by congress of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and the STATE of whatever, and will be enforced against you. This legal fiction has been referred to as the STRAWMAN that represent you, the natural person.

Tomorrow, we will get still deeper into the rabbit hole and discover how the sovereign states also became 14th Amendment citizens of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and lost their rights. Keep in mind, that the states were not subject to federal rule when our country was founded.

What does the Bible say about rules and laws?
The community is to have the same rules for you and for the alien living among you; this is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. You and the alien shall be the same before the LORD : The same laws and regulations will apply both to you and to the alien living among you.' " Numbers 15:15-16 (NIV)

If we followed this biblical principle, why would the 'freed' slaves need new citizen rights of the 14th Amendment? The international bankers knew this, so they had to resort to deception.

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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