Monday, April 21, 2008

The North American Union

Many people have never heard of the North American Union. However, it does exist and not just in the theoretical context as wikipedia suggests as the union among Canada, the United States, and Mexico. In fact, it has existed ever since delegates from the three countries signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America agreement on March 23, 2005. The Partnership was founded in Waco, Texas by Paul Martin, Prime Minister of Canada, Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, and George W. Bush, President of the United States. The stated goals of the SPP are cooperation and information sharing, improving productivity, reducing the costs of trade, enhancing the joint stewardship of the environment, facilitating agricultural trade while creating a safer and more reliable food supply, and protecting people from disease.

As usual, this sounds pretty benign. However, the true intent of this agreement is the physical creation of this North American Union, with the working similar to the European Union (EU). Likewise, with the EU having its own currency the Euro, the North American Union will also have its own currency, the Amero. (I have mentioned this currency before in this blog many times.)

President Bush is using the SPP agreement to enact a blueprint laid out in a 2005 report entitled "Building a North American Community" published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR, The CFR report connects the dots between the Bush administration's actual policy on illegal immigration and the drive to create the North American Union. Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The report called for "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter within which the movement of people, products, and capital will be legal, orderly and safe. Its goal will be to guarantee a free, secure, just, and prosperous North America."

President Bush is pursuing the elite globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada.

What does all this mean for the United States and our citizens? It effectively means that the sovereign US does not exist anymore (as if it ever did). It is wiping out completely the idea that our nation is run by Congress, our laws, and the constitution. In its place are the trade laws like NAFTA and the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code). Money and credit is already controlled by the privately owned Federal Reserve who is now asking for greater and broader powers.

By the way, the Council on Foreign Relations, by their own admission, takes no institutional position on policy issues and has no affiliation with the U.S. government. This is the manipulators' direction on how their idea of a one world government will come about by taking steps one at a time over the years.

Don't you feel comfortable that our president is taking direction (a puppet) from the global elite?
Read up on the CFR on their website and take a look at who the members are.

If you doubt any of this information, go to Google and type in "Lou Dobbs North American Union". YouTube has a number of videos stored first reported by the well known CNN reporter Lou Dobbs. The videos are about 3-5 minutes in length.

There will be more on this topic this week. Stay tuned ...

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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