Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Red Pill

As I've written about before, I'm somewhat of a movie buff. The last six months I've written about many things that can help people change their lives for the better. Of late, I've written about a variety of deceptions used by the manipulators to control and imprison us in one form or another.

Well, today's post is from an idea from the movie "The Matrix". At the beginning of the movie, Morpheus, played by Laurence Fishburn, gives Neo, played by Keanu Reaves, a choice between knowing and remaining in blissful ignorance. This choice was presented by swallowing a red pill which would awake Neo to how things really work or swallowing a blue pill to peacefully awake in bed not remembering anything but what he knew before.

In the movie, the matrix is an illusionary simulated reality construct of life in the latter 20th century developed to keep the human population docile. The worked to keep the matrix working - to feed off their energy, oblivious to a number of things that may occur that would shed some light to the truth, but they don't seem to notice.

Morpheus questions Neo about some things that seem out of place as to what they mean. Neo's curiosity compels him to swallow the red pill and begin to learn the real truth of the matrix. Morpheus begins to train Neo and help recruit others to "unplug" from the matrix.

Without giving away too much of the plot, we too have a choice to begin to learn the truth about the world around us - how things really work versus how we are led to believe they work. Throughout the last couple months, I have shared many insights as to how things really work. From the History of Money presented here, I've shown how international bankers have systematically taken over control of financial systems, governments, and ultimately of the populace as well. Through constructive trusts and adhesion contracts, the deception continues to enslave us without our knowledge by monetizing our lifetime of labor and obligation.

So what about you? Do you take the red pill and begin to find out why things are they way they are? Do you decide to take the blue pill and retreat back to your comfort zone, the habits, the things you believe you know, the daily grind? What do you want your life to mean?

As always, the choice is yours, and yours alone.

Every Saturday, I recap the financial events of the week, particularly key indicators of what the economy as a whole is doing. All of the key indicators bounced around this week, consolidating somewhat from a very bumpy ride in the markets the last couple weeks. Gold closed a little lower from last week ending Friday at $914.50 per ounce. Silver also closed on Friday a little lower ending at $17.79 per ounce. The price of oil rose slightly ending at $106.33 per barrel. The US dollar index also rose slightly ending at 71.95.

All of this action is fairly typical in the market after a volatile period. Things will normally settle down and bounce back and forth before they continue their trend or begin a reversal. However, considering the times, any reversal will likely be short lived. As I discussed earlier in the week, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke even hinted that we might be in a recession. If anyone could not see that, they would have to be totally oblivious to the things around them. The bankers do not want panic in the people. They want everyone to continue to "perform" as they always have - spend, spend, spend to keep the economy moving and the tax dollars flowing. That energy is what they feed off of.

So, the choice is yours. Do you want to unplug? Or do you want to remain a cog in the system, the matrix? What will you do? Red or blue?

And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2:9 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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