Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Follow the Leader to Your Own Path

Yesterday, I talked about persistence is a key to success. The only time persistence works against you is when you are spinning your wheels and going nowhere. Or, you may have heard of the analogy of a hamster on the exercise wheel - again going nowhere. Or, you may have heard the informal definition of insanity - keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Results, that is another key word. In order to achieve success, it would be wise to learn from others who are successful. In MLMs, there are usually people around that are willing to help you become successful that are already successful. Sometimes, they may have a financial interest in helping you, but not necessarily always. But if someone wants to help you, and they have experiences you don't, why wouldn't you accept their help? Conversely, if someone else is telling you that your new business won't work, and they have no personal experience and are not successful themselves; why would you listen to them?

Part of due diligence and making good decisions are discerning between facts and opinions. Results are facts. Opinions are so plentiful and are so subjective, that it depends on the reliability of the source to determine if they have any value. Many times they don't. Never listen to someone that is more screwed up than you are!

I will share a word analogy that I find very helpful. Imagine you are in a mine field with dead bodies littered around you. Then, you see a set of footprints. Do you follow the footprints that lead ahead out of the mine field, or do you set off on your own? Follow success. It leads somewhere. Conversely, a person who is heading nowhere can not direct you where you want to go.

Once you see the paths of success and follow them, then you can have choices of what is best for you. As you attain some degree of success, you will get introduced to others that have success. You can then determine if you have something else to learn from them, or choose a different path. The wheel only had to be invented once. Improvements on the wheel never stop.

Thomas Edison is widely known as the inventor of the incandescent light bulb. However, this is not true. Edison improved on other inventor designs to make it commercially viable. There were even litigation contention with his patent and William Sawyer's work. Also, Joseph Swan's British patent was filed a year before Edison's. To avoid a legal battle, the two formed a joint company to market the light bulb in Britain.

The point is that success in a journey, not a destination. That journey begins with a single step followed by another and another. Only when it is clear that you need to start your own path, that is the time to do it. Until then, follow the footsteps!

Direct my footsteps according to your word;
let no sin rule over me. Psalms 119:133 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.
Email: DeltaInspire@panama-vo.com

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