Friday, February 15, 2008

History of Money Part XV

Over the last three weeks, I've been covering the history of money and of fractional reserve banking. Today, I will wrap up this series, but it will not be the last of this information you will see in this blog. I do want to point out that although the money changers have immense wealth and power, they have been defeated on many of their attempts to implement past, present, and future plans. We should not fall into the trap that nothing can be done. While doing research for these topics, I was amazed at how much information is out there, so there is a lot of opposition to these money changers getting complete control of our lives.

John F. Kennedy is only one of many men that have stood up against these individuals. Once people get past the lies that are fed to us via the media and other government resources, the truth does come out and can provide us a way to enjoy our God-given right to freedom from tyranny. Thomas Jefferson said, "When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Which situation best fits us today?

As promised, I said I would divulge who controls the Federal Reserve. First, let me point out that it all started with fractional reserve banking. The Rothschild family took it to a whole new level and never relented their control. They have hid behind corporate veils for well over 100 years, so you will not see their name on much anymore. Through marriage, partnerships, mergers, etc., their network of financiers are in many high posts of government, global conglomerate corporations, and of course banks. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 did provide that the names of the owner banks be kept secret, which is why you may still think it is a government institution.

Through a variety of documented research, here is a list of the banks that own the Federal Reserve and their shareholders.

Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman Sachs Bank of New York

the Rothschild family,
Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer),
Israel Sieff,
Kuhn Loeb Company,
Warburg Company,
Lehman Brothers,
Goldman Sachs,
the Rockefeller family, and the
J.P. Morgan interests."

Here is a list of the banks that own stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of July 26, 1983. The list of member banks includes 27 New York City banks, below are the ten largest shareholders amounting to 66% of the total outstanding number of shares, namely 7,005,700.

Shares Percent
Bankers Trust Company 438,831 ( 6%)
Bank of New York 141,482 ( 2%)
Chase Manhattan Bank 1,011,862 (14%)
Chemical Bank 544,962 ( 8%)
Citibank 1,090,813 (15%)
European American Bank & Trust 127,800 ( 2%)
J. Henry Schroder Bank & Trust 37,493 ( .5%)
Manufacturers Hanover 509,852 ( 7%)
Morgan Guaranty Trust 655,443 ( 9%)
National Bank of North America 105,600 ( 2%)

Also, here is a list of the families that have direct control in these banks.
The dynastic families of the ruling World Order, internationalists who are loyal to no race, religion, or nation. They are families such as the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, the Morgans and others known as the elite, or "the big rich".

As you can see, even if there are those that crave power and secrecy, there are still those that want the principles that this country was founded on - those being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Economic and financial slavery are not listed.

Which camp do you want to belong to?

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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