Thursday, February 14, 2008

History of Money Part XIV

As we have seen through history, the Rothschilds and their network of money changers have manipulated events and politicians. As the years progressed, their influence and power grew. Few have dared stand in their way, but one is certainly noteworthy in the last 50 years. That man was John F. Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy did a number of acts that were contrary to the wishes of the international bankers. In 1962, he was supposed to send in troops to back up the CIA led invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, but the troops never arrived and the invasion was thwarted. The international bankers were hungry for war after World War II from 1939-1945. In 1950, war broke out in Korea lasting for 3 years. The cold war was building, but they wanted hot wars to use up more resources and supplies to further their insatiable quest for money and power. In Cuba, they were hoping to escalate the cold war to another global conflict between capitalism and communism. Kennedy refused to cooperate and invade Cuba. Instead he ordered a blockade of naval ships around Cuba, ultimately forcing the Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to withdraw the nuclear missiles and their bases from Cuba. Kennedy was also in favor of not getting involved in a new conflict in Vietnam.

Then came the big defiance of the international bankers. On June 4, 1963, Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110. This order was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.

This EO returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency (money) without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. It gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This means that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held there. As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. It appears obvious that President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Kennedy was quoted 10 days before his assassination to a Columbia University class, "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizen of this plight".

"United States Notes" were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Federal Reserve Notes to this day serve as the legal currency of the nation.

The subsequent investigation of the assassination led to the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald. Two days later, Oswald was gunned down in the Dallas PD’s basement by night club owner Jack Ruby. At least 21 material witnesses to the plot died with months of the assassination. Even Ruby, who died Jan. 3, 1967 of lung cancer, claimed to family members that he was injected with cancer causing cells.

Kennedy’s assassination has many theories as to who was behind it besides Oswald. Oswald was the classic patsy. There are many books, articles, and even movies all purposing their view on the plot. However, no group had more to lose than the private group of international bankers that control the private Federal Reserve Corporation. This group has control of the economies of the entire world. If one of the two superpowers of the world at that time suddenly decides to come up with its own currency because of one man (JFK), that man must be eliminated.

When you have immense wealth and power, hiring someone to do your bidding is easy and very concealable. Whoever is not willing to be bought off, can be terminated. Obviously, secrecy of the plot must be kept at the very top. But they have had more than 100 years of practice at doing this dating far beyond the Lincoln assassination. Who would stand in their way if they can assassinate the most politically powerful and influential man in the world? Let this be a lesson to future US presidents as to who really has the power and control.

Tomorrow, I will list the majority stockholders of the Federal Reserve and who governs the actions of the international bankers. Stay tuned ...

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:11-16 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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