Tuesday, February 12, 2008

History of Money Part XII

With the Great Depression in full swing in the early 30s, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933. This is where the plot thickens, as they say. On April 5,1933 with Executive Order 6102, Roosevelt made it illegal to own and hoard gold, demanding that all gold be surrendered to the Federal Reserve. This was in response to the national emergency declared by Roosevelt on March 9th, and punishable by a $10,000 fine if the order was violated. Since then, the US has been under a continual state of declared national emergency. (A national emergency is one of the few conditions that suspends the Constitution, and allows the president emergency powers. Since then, all presidents have in effect, ruled by Executive orders.)

The gold was to be held in Fort Knox, Tennessee. The gold was bought from the public at $20.66 per ounce. In 1935, the fixed price of gold was raised to $35 per ounce, nearly doubling the value after all of it was confiscated. Meanwhile, the throes of the depression was starving America. By the end of WWII, Fort Knox did hold 70% of the world's gold, but over the years it was sold off to the European money changers while a public audit of Fort Knox reserves was repeatedly denied.

In 1981, President Ronald Reagan was considering re-introducing the Gold standard. The Gold Commission was to look into the reserves in Fort Knox, and found the US Treasury owned no gold at all. All gold remaining is now being held as collateral by the Federal Reserve against the national debt (using credits made from nothing). The Fed had robbed the largest treasure of gold in the world. Rep. Louis T. McFadden (D-PA), Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, said, "I think it can hardly be disputed that the statesmen and financiers of Europe are ready to take almost any means to re-acquire rapidly the gold stock which Europe lost to America as the result of World War I."

McFadden, incidentally, sponsored a resolution in 1932 to indict the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for "criminal conspiracy". No action was taken and McFadden lost his next election.

Meanwhile, more than 30 billion of American money was pumped into the rebuilding of Germany following World War I. When the Chancellor of Germany, Heinrich Bruning, failed to obey the orders of the German international bankers, Adolf Hitler was brought in to scare the Germans into submission. Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933. (Going back to yesterday's post about Hegelian dialect, Roosevelt is thesis, Hitler the antithesis, and later the United Nations is set up to be the synthesis, or solution to problem of totalitarian dictators. This is the second attempt at World Government.)

With the gold back in the hands of the Rothschild's domain, war will again be used on a global scale to increase their control. Hitler was demolishing Europe, Japan was seizing control of the Pacific, German and Italian troops were conquering much of Africa. The US remained out of the conflict, but Roosevelt loaned military aid and supplies to Britain through the Lend-Lease Act of 1940. Roosevelt wanted a way to enter the war, but the American public did not want to be involved. Of course, this ended after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The next day, Congress declared war, and the US was embroiled in another global war.

In 1942, the plot thickens further with the introduction of the Victory Tax (56 Stat. 884). Prior to WWII, no one outside the government paid an income tax. The people were, and understood themselves to be, immune from an income tax. This act imposed a 5% income tax on every individual in The United States of America, something which had not been done by any previous income tax act. Excepted from that tax were those already paying income taxes per I.R.C. 211(a) - nonresident alien individuals with no United States business or office but living in a "contiguous country" and having income from United States sources. In other words, residents from the 48 states of the union (at that time) were considered foreign to the United States, would pay an income tax for support of the war.

The Victory Tax was repealed by section 6 of Income Tax Act of 1944, to eliminate the effect of double taxation of those already paying taxes under I.R.C. 211(a). This restored the scope of income taxation to what it had been prior to the Victory Tax, as not including individuals in the states of the union.

But because Congress failed to make it generally known that the Victory Tax was no longer in effect, people did not know to discontinue the withholding begun for the Victory Tax. One was then considered as being a volunteer in paying income tax.

The scope of the I.R.C. never targeted all individuals in the union. Only for a brief period, and under war powers, were all individuals made subject to taxation of income. The repeal of the Victory Tax means the scope of what is taxed was restored to its original intent, and individuals in the states of the union do not have to pay taxes on their incomes. And as the Victory Tax was the only act to have levied any such tax, the scope of taxation has never again expanded to include the whole of The United States of America.

However, the IRS and the Federal Reserve still wants everyone to continue paying that income tax because it is the security of the national debt. All payments to the IRS go to the nearest Federal Reserve branch. This income tax continues to go to a private corporation that is backed by the Rothschilds. The future living incomes of every American is forever enslaved to a debt that can never be paid. This economic slavery will be forever (or that is what they want you to believe). Attempts at not filing a 1040 tax return have been met with IRS harassment, fines, and prison terms to those who would dare oppose this deception.

Tomorrow, there will be more on the control of the world by the Rothschilds and the international bankers. Stay tuned ...

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.
Email: DeltaInspire@panama-vo.com

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