Friday, August 22, 2008

What Americans Want

For the past ten months, I've done what I could to help make a difference in the lives of others. There are many topics on this blog that are about the financial markets and what makes them work, and why things are the way they are. Part of the problem with this, most Americans do not understand finances. This is mostly because the basics financial concepts are not taught in schools. Thus, people tend to gloss over or ignore things that they really don't understand.

As I have pointed out many times in this blog, this is by design. The manipulators want the general population to be uneducated about finances. It makes it easier to change conditions in their favor to gather more of the population's money and thus more control over their lives.

Let's look at this for a moment. A hundred and twenty years ago, most Americans were self-employed. Many were farmers, shopkeepers, tradesmen, etc. They all picked a business that they had interest in and tried to make a living at it. Many of these people were immigrants from other countries who came here because America was the "Land of Opportunity". It was the chance to start over and form a new life for themselves in the manner they chose. They wanted freedom, a chance at financial independence, autonomy. In Europe, everything was controlled by the monarchies and the ruling class.

America became strong because of these independent entrepreneurs. The captains of industry in the 19th century and early 20th century knew that this would not do. Thus, the families of the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Morgans, Harrimans, Vanderbilts, Astors, Hills, Fords, etc. wanted to create an environment that would produce many simple docile workers for the many factories that were going up around America. They knew it would take time, but they knew that success would happen if they were patient. They chose the school system to do this. If they would teach the children to be intimidated by math and finances, they would ignore these subjects later in life. They will want others to make decisions in these areas for them.

This plan has worked with extraordinary success. The current recipe for success is "go to school, get good grades, get a good job". How much autonomy do you have in your job? How much of a chance at financial independence do you have? What kind of security do you have with a job, especially during uncertain financial times rife with lay offs and downsizing?

Now, think about for a minute that the average credit card debt is well over $8,000 per person. Bankruptcies are at an all time high. Foreclosures are at a record pace. The main stream financial markets are all producing dismal investment results. Everyone is feeling the pinch in their wallet. Is this no longer the "Land of Opportunity"?

Today, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said that inflation will come under control now that the dollar is stronger and commodity prices are down. He also reiterated that he wants more power for the Federal Reserve to help resolve failing investment banks and a new comprehensive supervision of systemic risk. What total BS! It's like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. The Fed is responsible for the conditions that caused the subprime mortgage crisis to begin with, along with the ailing dollar, and the highly leverage mortgage derivatives that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have that put the real estate industry in panic mode.

Tomorrow, I will get more into how this all affects the daily decisions of Americans. Stay tuned ...

The lot is cast into the lap,
but its every decision is from the LORD. Proverbs 16:33 (NIV)

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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