Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Sad Road to Socialism Part IV

Today, we will conclude with John Loeffler's article titled "The Sad Road to Socialism - What happens When Private Property is No Longer a Right". This will be Stage Three of the steps leading to Socialism and the dire consequences.

Stage Three: Dies Irae: A Day of Wrath and Mourning

Ultimately the dragon cannot keep its promises. This last stage is where events turn nasty and chaotic. It is a dangerous time. It is a time no country should ever wish to reach.

Politicians are perceived as ravenous wolves. Blame and finger-pointing frenzies among politicians erupt to deflect responsibility for the chaos they have caused as they attempt to hold onto their privileged status.

Faith in government dissolves along with faith in the currency. Widespread flouting of law is common and tax payments quit. If it gets bad enough, crime flourishes, both organized and random. The domestic economy collapses into a depression and the currency just collapses.

By this time there are several violently outraged groups of people: the first group consists of those who have been dependent on the dragon for their free programs, and once the dragon reneges on its promises to provide these, they are outraged at the violation of their imagined rights to a free lunch. This group can include pensioners who paid the dragon money but discover the dragon spent it all before they retired.

The second group is the middle class, who have been beaten to death to feed the dragon and his cronies. They have lost all their livelihood and property. This is the point where many revolutions occur. Sometimes the revolutions are non-bloody and occur only at the voting booths; sometimes they are bloody and violent. It is a dangerous time because the chaos caused by the breakdown of economic and political order coupled with the collapse of morality often requires brute force to restore order, and brute force is the fertile ground for dictators and the destruction of rights.

One of the great ironies of history is that those who started the mess and benefitted greatly from it are rarely ever called to pay for the crimes and carnage they caused.

Finally the dragon dies.


No country trapped in socialism goes through all the events described above, which is a composite of past histories. It can turn itself at any time providing it is prepared to discipline itself the undergo the pain required to get off the public dole, much like coming off an addiction. Few societies ever want to face that, so they condemn themselves to all three stages. And the longer they wait to enact the necessary changes, the worse the pain becomes.

From currency, to energy to property rights, issues today are clouded with so much static and partisan bickering that the average person has little real comprehension of what is happening. Frequently Democrats and Republicans blame each other when often they’re both responsible and fiddle while Rome burns.

America is truly at an economic and moral crossroad, having already started into Stage Two of the sad road to socialism. Whether or not we plow through all three stages remains to be seen. It takes great moral courage to prevent this but politicians tend to be neither moral or courageous.

Thus it is up to what actions are moral, legal and necessary to see us, our families and friends safely through the tempest. But as a ray of hope, it is here where Americans in times past have always shown themselves most noble.

John Loeffler, July 23, 2008

John Loeffler is 40-year broadcast news veteran and host of the nationally syndicated talk show on the IRN/USA Radio Network, Steel on Steel ( and co-host of The Financial Sense Newshour (

Special thanks go to John Loeffler and his great description of the cycle that leads to Socialism. As John pointed out, no country goes through every scenario depicted here, but the lesson is crystal clear - the road ahead will be very painful. If we do not turn the tide now, there will be no country left to be proud of. Many have already fled (expatriated to another country) and moved their assets to other safe harbors.

What will you do? Will you be one of the nameless victims of the dragon? Will you succumb to having all your work, livelihood, and possessions stripped away for nothing?

As always, the choice is yours.

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. Revelation 20:2-3 (NIV)

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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