Thursday, January 3, 2008


This week I've been discussing goals and the New Year. On New Year's Eve I mentioned the importance of reflecting back on what we may want to change in the coming year. Well, here's the other side. Do the things we want to change really align with what we want our lives to mean? Do our resolutions actually lead toward the person we want to become and contribute to our life's pursuit?

Many times we get so caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of our lives, that we forget in a sense of who we are. And more importantly, who we want to become. There's a popular sentiment in project management of "begin with the end in mind". In other words, what do we want the final outcome or result to look like? So if we project into the future to when we are old and gray and reflect back on our lives, what do we want to see in the reflection? Do you want to see great accomplishments in your chosen field, a large family to pass on a legacy, huge wealth, many great trips to exotic places, many lifelong friends? In other words, what is really most important to you?

I think you will observe that the most important thing in your life will change as you grow older. As you experience life, priorities and precious memories change. Do we proceed too cautiously in our life decisions? Do we take too many risks? Do we focus too much on work and not on family and friends? Do we neglect our health, physically and spiritually? Do we burn ourselves out trying to accumulate wealth that you can't take with you?

The answer to all of these solely lies in that reflection in the mirror, and the corresponding one in your heart.

In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)

If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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