Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

In the US, the day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday. This is the day usually that retailers finally get into the black, or start turning a profit for the year. It is one of the busiest shopping days of the year because of the huge incentives and discounts offered by stores to attract customers.

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned that this could play a critical role in the stability of the dollar. The dollar has continued to erode in value over the last couple months to record or at least multi decade lows against other world currencies such as the Euro, the Great British Pound, the Swiss Franc, the Japanese Yen, the Canadian and Australian dollars, etc. If the retail numbers at the beginning of the holiday shopping season are weak because of the uncertain economic times, this could send the dollar over the edge and plummet further.

If this happens, the Federal Reserve will likely to continue to lower interest rates to encourage further spending and keep the economy moving. This will escalate inflation, as mentioned earlier this week. If the downward spiral continues, at a pre-arranged time, the government will announce that they will replace the US dollar with a new currency, called the Amero, or the North American currency. This currency would be a common currency for the three major countries in North America, the US, Canada, and Mexico. The currency will be labeled as a solution to the currency woes and further enhance the trading among the three countries. What really has changed though? Do we have trading problems now with Mexico and Canada? No.

With using a different piece of paper to exchange goods and services, does this change the economics of families not able to pay their bills? Does this get people out of debt? Does this reduce the cost of their medications? Does this pay off their mortgages faster? Sadly no. Nothing will really have changed except the sovereignity of the US will be diminished. The supremacy of the US nation as a superpower will be displaced by a North American Union and the United Nations. This all leads to a world government, their ultimate goal.

Is this what we as citizens want? Do we care? Time will tell. Times, they are a changing, as the saying goes. Are we even noticing?

The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools. Ecclesiastes 9:17

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