Friday, October 26, 2007


Another one of the biggest problems people face is achieving a proper balance among the many interests in their lives - from family, friends, job, spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, ... The list goes on. How does one decide on how much time gets allotted for each area? How important is each one?

What if you acquire wealth for many lifetimes, but lose your health and are not able to enjoy it? What if you have the ideal job that challenges you, pays very well, but you have little home life with your family? Is it worth it?

The simple answer is only you can decide what is the proper balance. These decisions can and will change as your priorities in your life changes. The important thing is to be aware of the important things and people in your life and how they are affected as you journey toward your dreams. Don't be consumed in any one area that other important areas suffers.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

On a personal note, it's been an honor to share these thoughts with you this week. The coming weeks I will be getting into more personal experiences, information, and insights that I mentioned in the Inaugural post. I believe that I have information that few have, well beyond insights of personal and wealth development. I just wanted to lay the foundation of where my heart is - to help others achieve their goals and dreams in all areas of their lives.

I've set up an email account for you to communicate with me with specific questions and requests. It is Delta Inspire

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