Monday, May 31, 2010

The Greatest Distance Is Very Short

You've probably heard the saying "Success is not a destination, but a journey". It is not something achieved quickly. Also, it is almost always begun in the mind first. In a word, it is hope. You have to first make a decision on what you want and what will motivate you to overcome any obstacles along the way. You can learn how if you know what and you have a big enough why.

A new friend of mine put it in perspective for me. She said, "I'm in the transportation business. I help people get from where they are to where they want to go." How eloquent! So where do you want to go? You must know the direction you're headed. A person headed nowhere does not need your help to get there.

How often does this happen - someone else says something to you and all of a sudden the answer just clicks in your brain. How did that happen?

There are two different sides of your brain, the left and right. The left side is where logic and very detailed processes are executed. The right side contains your creativity and imagination. Over time, people tend to develop one side of the brain more than the other. They typically rely on the one side they are most comfortable with. Sometimes it takes just a word to two from someone else to bridge that gap between the left and right side of your brain - a matter of inches.

So what if that bridge didn't exist or was inaccessible? How far can you go on your own? There are people that proclaim to be self-made millionaires. However, in what position were they when they were born? Who fed them when they were little? Who taught them in school? Who put a roof over them while growing up? No man or woman is an island. Everyone needs help to accomplish success.

So I will add this thought to my friend's statement - many times the distance is only an inch or two, but the destination is miles from where they were. Who will be your bridge?

You can learn how if you know the what and you have a big enough why. The journey first begins in your mind. Where are you going?

Thanks Cass!

As iron sharpens iron,
so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV)

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

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